We only offer grants to registered charities with a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000 who are undertaking work with our priority groups.


We will only fund work that focuses on one of our priority groups:

  • Elderly people
  • Children and young people
  • People with physical impairments, learning difficulties or mental health challenges
  • Social welfare – people trying to overcome life-limiting problems of a social, rather than medical, origin (such as addiction, relationship difficulties, abuse, offending)
  • Education and learning (with a particular interest in people who are educationally disadvantaged, whether adults or children)


We only make grants for ongoing core funding. We define core funding as the costs associated with regular activities or services that have been ongoing for at least a year. We do not fund new work or projects.


We only offer grants to registered charities that have been formally
established for a minimum of three years. Newly registered charities may
apply but the organisation must have appointed a management committee
and adopted a governing document at least 3 years ago.

We prioritise:

  • Charities that are delivering services in areas of high deprivation
  • Work that is unattractive to the general public or unpopular with other funders
  • Services that help to improve the lives of marginalised, disadvantaged or isolated people
  • Applicants that can demonstrate an effective use of volunteers
  • Applicants that can demonstrate (where feasible) an element of self
    sustainability by charging subscriptions/fees to service users


Details of our recent grants can be accessed from the links below: